You play as a character of the ancient continent of Calradia and fight your way to become either a king, or a leader, or a bandit or whatever you, wish to achieve.

Many thanks, I appreciate your work very much!+4 votes.Mount and Blade Warband is an open universe game with no specific end. I saw that you added a few swords from POP's resource, it would be cool if you could add a winged helmet too. You could add a retextured version of the native winged helmet, or even ask permission to take the model from other mod. There're plenty of models of teutonic-like winged helmets in many other mods, even in native. In this version we only get an Armet and that doesn't make any sense (no offense). In older versions we used to get the tourney helmet, which wasn't properly winged too, but had those decoratons on it's side, which remembered wings a lot. I would be be very cool if the reward of the 'Brotherhood of The Winged Kinghts' questwere actually a winged helmet. Im assuming that Cozur was going for the view of slavery being illegal and shunned in WesterosPersonally I think the ransom brokers were fine for that though, since the idea is less about selling your prisoners as slaves, as it is getting paid to free your prisonersBut its kind of nice to have to keep heading to Essos and build relations there, or at Hull:P Feels like Stannis Baratheon and Monford Velaryon wouldnt approve of that though+2 votes. Theres always one at Hull, and they are in Essos. Kingdoms will often offer to ransom any captured lords in your possession for anywhere between 1,500-5,000 denars, while leaders (kings, queens, etc.) go for much higher prices (even 80,000 denars at times). You can ransom common prisoners (soldiers, bandits, etc.) for 50-300 denars.