How to strikethrough in sticky notes
How to strikethrough in sticky notes

how to strikethrough in sticky notes

To use this tool, select it in the toolbar, and then select the text that should be replaced. The Note to Replace Text tool lets you mark text for deletion and create a note showing the replacement text. To use the strikethrough tool, select it in the toolbar, and then select the text that should be deleted. The strikethrough tool lets you place a line through text that you want to mark for deletion. To use the Underline tool, select it in the toolbar, and then select the text to be underlined. If you want to add an underline that will become part of the PDF, use the underline tool in the Edit toolbar, instead. This underline is meant to draw attention to specific text for editing purposes. The Underline tool lets you place a line under the text. To use the highlight tool, select it in the toolbar, and then select the text that you want to highlight. The highlight tool lets you add a background color to draw attention to specific text. After typing your comment, select the Post button. Your cursor will move to the Comment pane where you can type your comment. To use the sticky note tool, select it in the toolbar, and then click the spot where you want the note to appear. The sticky note tool lets you “stick” a comment anywhere on the page. Now, let’s look at the thirteen tools in the Comment toolbar. Comment toolbar and Comment pane How to Use the Comment and Markup Tools in Adobe Acrobat The Comment toolbar will appear directly above the PDF, and the Comment pane will appear on the right side of your screen.

  • Select the Comment button in the Tools Center.
  • How to Access the Comment and Markup Tools in Adobe Acrobat Unfortunately, you cannot change this option if the creator of the PDF has set Commenting to Not Allowed.

    how to strikethrough in sticky notes

    Then, see if the Commenting option is listed as Allowed. To find out if commenting is allowed in your PDF, select File > Properties > Security. These tools are also available in Acrobat Reader when commenting is allowed in the PDF.

    How to strikethrough in sticky notes